Absolute Latitude / Longitude - Deg (±D.dddddd)
Example: +040.588800° / -111.638000°

Absolute Latitude / Longitude - Deg Min Sec (±DMS.ss)
Example: +040°35'19.80" / -111°38'16.70"

Absolute Latitude / Longitude - Deg Min (±DM.mmmm)
Example: +040°35.3300' / -111°38.2800'

N-S Latitude / E-W Longitude - Deg (D.dddddd)
Example: 040.588800°N / -111.638000°W

N-S Latitude / E-W Longitude - Deg Min Sec (DMS.ss)
Example: 040°35'19.80"N / 111°38'16.70"W

N-S Latitude / E-W Longitude - Deg Min (DM.mmmm)
Example: 040°35.3300'N / 111°38.2800'W

Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
Example: 12TVK4601393310

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid
Example: 12 N 446013 4493310

Banded Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM-B) Grid
Example: 12 T 446013 4493310

British National Grid, Absolute Easting/Northing
Example: E 651410 / N 313177

British National Grid, Subgrid Easting/Northing
Example: TG 51410 13177

Irish National Grid, Absolute Easting/Northing
Example: E 315904 / N 234671

Irish National Grid, Subgrid Easting/Northing
Example: O 15904 34671

United States National Grid (USNG), 10m precision
Example: 12T VK 4601 9331

United States National Grid (USNG), 100m precision
Example: 12T VK 460 933

United States National Grid (USNG), 1000m precision
Example: 12T VK 46 93

Optional: US State Plane Coordinates of 1927 (SPCS27), US survey feet
Example: 2475253.074 E / 380757.399 N (US survey feet)

Optional: US State Plane Coordinates of 1983 (SPCS83), meters
Example: 3644854.251 E / 1116058.159 N (meters)

Optional: US State Plane Coordinates of 1983 (SPCS83), US survey feet
Example: 11958159.320 E / 3661600.810 N (US survey feet)

Optional: US State Plane Coordinates of 1983 (SPCS83), feet
Example: 11958183.238 E / 3661608.133 N (feet)

Maidenhead Locator System (Extended, 8 Character)
Example: DN40eo31

Map Grid of Australia (MGA2020/MGA94)
Example: 55 H 273741 5796490